
How to Install LiteSpeed Memcached (LSMCD) with OpenLiteSpeed

Although OpenLiteSpeed (OLS) can work well with Redis or Memcached for object caching, it is recommended to use LiteSpeed Memcached (LSMCD), which was developed specifically for OLS and guarantees the best performance. LSMCD is unfortunately not available as a package for Ubuntu/Debian nor for CentOS/RHEL and thus will have to be compiled and installed manually….


Migrating PowerDNS (Slave) Server to a New Host

Migrating a PowerDNS slave server with a new IP address can be tricky, so proper preparation is essential. Update the System and Install Required Packages Create a MySQL Database and User for PowerDNS Disable systemd-resolved and Configure Custom DNS Install and Configure PowerDNS You should see the PowerDNS service running. You should see the UDP…


Error 413 on large file uploads with Nextcloud behind Nginx reverse proxy.

If you are running Nextcloud behind a Nginx proxy server, you will need to change the maximum file size for uploads which by default is only 1MB on Nginx. You can use the “client_max_body_size” directive to set the required file size for uploading. This directive can be set in the http, server or location context….


Edit php.ini settings for OpenLiteSpeed.

Modifying PHP settings is a common task when setting up a PHP-based website. Most of the settings in OpenLiteSpeed ​​can be configured with the Web Admin Console, but unfortunately this does not apply to the PHP settings. Although it is possible to add this functionality to the Web Admin Console with individual settings per virtual…