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How to convert a LXC container to a LXD container.

Until recently, we were still running a number of legacy LXC containers, which for years performed important mission-critical tasks very stably and with no significant problems. However, we decided to convert them to LXD containers to create a more homogeneous server environment and to simplify management. Switching to LXD also means more functionality and the ability to take snapshots by upgrading from a directory-based storage pool to a zfs storage pool.

Although we could have used a tool “lxc-to-lxd” that should have made the conversion from LXC containers to LXD containers easy, we ran into quite a few unexplained problems that ultimately caused the process to fail numerous times. Therefore, we started looking for a way to perform the conversion process manually so that we have full control and it is also possible to migrate the source container to a new (remote) LXD host server.

In this example, we are going to convert container “ct1” on an LXC host server and migrate the container to a new LXD host server.

On the LXC host server login to the “ct1” container.

# lxc-attach -n ct1

Although it’s not strictly necessary, we want to check the distribution and version of the operating system the container is running on. In our case, we know it’s an Ubuntu server, so we just need the “lsb_release -a” command to get the information.

# lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description:    Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS
Release:        18.04
Codename:       bionic

As you can see it is a Ubuntu 18.04 release.

For other distributions which do not support “lsb_release” command we can use another option.

# cat /etc/*-release

As an example here a printout for an Alpine 3.16.0 container.

NAME="Alpine Linux"
PRETTY_NAME="Alpine Linux v3.16"

Write down the relevant information that we will need later to create the metadata for the container created on the new LXD host.

Now stop the container.

# lxc-stop -n ct1

The containers on our old LXC host server are based on a directory-based storage pool and as such the “rootfs” directory can be found under “/var/lib/lxc/<container>/”.

Go to the directory of our “ct1” container where the relevant “rootfs” directory is located.

# cd /var/lib/lxc/ct1/

Note that LXD runs unprivileged containers by default. So it is important to determine whether your source container is privileged or unprivileged by checking the ownership of the “rootfs”.

# ls -al
total 16
drwxrwx---  3 root root 4096 Aug  5 19:12 .
drwx--x--x 11 root root 4096 Dec  7  2021 ..
-rw-r--r--  1 root root  899 Nov  7  2018 config
drwxr-xr-x 21 root root 4096 Jul 26 16:31 rootfs

If it is owned by root:root instead of 100000:100000, then the source container is privileged and the new LXD container should be created as privileged by adding “-c security.privileged=true”. Note that our “ct1” is privileged, which is important to remember when we create our new LXD container later.

For a smooth transfer to the new LXD server, the “rootfs” must be compressed and packed into a tar file. To maintain numeric ownership of the “rootfs” directory, it is necessary to add the “-numeric-owner” option to the tar command.

# tar --numeric-owner -czvf rootfs_ct1.tgz rootfs

After creating the tar file we can restart the container.

# lxc-start -n ct1 -d

Use scp to copy the tar file to the new LXD host server.

# scp -P 4422 rootfs_ct1.tgz user@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:/home/user/

Replace “xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx” with the IP address of your new LXD server and “user” with an existing user on this host. You can omit the “-P” option if you are running ssh on the default 22 port. Obviously you need to set the port number to the relevant port of your ssh server on the remote host.

We don’t need the tar file on the old server anymore so we can delete it.

# rm rootfs_ct1.tgz

Now let’s move over to our new LXD host server.

First we need to create a new “empty” container (in this example ct1) Since the source LXC container is privileged we also need to create the LXD container as privileged adding ” -c security.privileged=true” to the “lxc init” command.

# lxc init ct1 --empty -c security.privileged=true

Verify your new container has been created.

# lxc list

Our LXD host server was setup with snap package using a zfs storage pool and as such a new zfs dataset was created for our new LXD container “ct1”.

In order to mount the the zfs dataset LXD created for the new container we need to know the name and where it can be mounted (zfs mountpoint).

# zfs list | grep ct1
zfs-lxd/containers/ct1                                 25.5K  12.4G  25.5K  legacy

Create a directory to mount the zfs dataset of the “ct1” container

# mkdir /mnt/zfs

As of version 4.24 LXD started using “legacy” mounts to avoid some zfs issues. If the mountpoint of your container is not set to “legacy” we need to change this first before being able to mount the dataset.

# zfs set mountpoint=legacy zfs-lxd/containers/ct1

We can now mount the dataset.

# mount -t zfs zfs-lxd/containers/ct1 /mnt/zfs/

Change directory.

# cd /mnt/zfs

Check the content.

# ls -al /mnt/zfs/
total 7
d--x------ 2 root root    3 Aug  3 14:08 .
drwxr-xr-x 7 root root 4096 Aug  3 14:10 ..
-r-------- 1 root root 1507 Aug  3 14:08 backup.yaml

The directory should be practically empty with only a “backup.yaml” file.

Move the tar file of the “rootfs” of our source container we just transferred from the LXC host server to the mounted zfs dataset.

# mv /home/user/rootfs_ct1.tgz ./

And unpack it.

# tar --numeric-owner -xzvf rootfs_ct1.tgz

When done delete the tar file.

# rm rootfs_ct1.tgz

Since networking in particular assigning a fixed ip address is done differently in LXD we want to make sure the configuration is set to dhcp. On Ubuntu 16.04 and prior network configuration is set in the “interfaces” file.

# vi rootfs/etc/network/interfaces

And change “manual” to “dhcp” if not set already.

# The loopback network interface
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp

Or in case of netplan.

# vi rootfs/etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml

Please note that in our case the file to edit is “50-cloud-init.yaml” but could be named differently depending on your systems so check the “rootfs/etc/netplan/” directory to be sure.

And change to “dhcp” if not set already.

  version: 2
      dhcp4: true
      dhcp6: true

Return to the home directory.

# cd

Umount the dataset.

# umount /mnt/zfs

Start the container.

# lxc start ct1

Grab a shell of the container and check the status.

# lxc shell ct1

Exit the container.

ct1 # exit 

Stop the container.

# lxc stop ct1

We want to assign a static ip to our container so we can create rules for iptables to route traffic from the host.

# lxc config device override ct1 eth0
# lxc config device set ct1 eth0 ipv4.address

For obvious security reasons we also want the container to run in unprivileged mode.

# lxc config set ct1 security.privileged false

And finally change/update the metadata.

# lxc config set ct1 image.release=bionic
# lxc config set ct1 image.version=18.04
# lxc config set ct1 image.description="Ubuntu 18.04"

Start the container again.

# lxc start ct1

If all went well, we now have a functioning LXD container and it’s good practice to take a first snapshot.

# lxc snapshot ct1

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